Langstone Harbour from Hayling Island

View of Langstone Harbour from Hayling Island. Acrylics on gesso board – 40.6 x 30.5 cm


Langstone Harbour is a wildlife sanctuary

This view of Langstone Harbour is a companion piece to my painting of Portsmouth from Hayling Island. The view here is a little further north than the latter.

The lagoon is a harbour in the old sense of a protected body of calm, mostly shallow, water. Langstone Harbour is a hugely important site for wildlife. It is a nursery and feeding ground for fifty fish species of fish and thousands of birds. It forms part of a Ramsar site.

Southern Water pollutes Langstone Harbour

In recent months the actions of Southern Water have once again become newsworthy as they pumped thousands of gallons of raw sewage into the harbour.  It is more profitable for water companies to pump sewage into the environment (and pass the resulting fines on to customers through their bills) than to invest in new infrastructure.

The old Paulsgrove chalk quarry is visible on Portsdown Hill, and the clump of trees on the right is Dead Man’s Copse.

You might also like this view of Hayling Island from Emsworth.